Category 2 & 3 Open Fire Prohibition In Effect

We are forecasted to experience increasingly hot and dry conditions and a Category 2 and Category 3 Open Fire Prohibition will officially come into effect this Saturday, May 13th.

We continue to strongly suggest NO OPEN BURNING WHATSOEVER until, and during, the official Fire Ban and ask that you respect and support the Fire Ban when it does become active on Saturday by reporting a wildfire or open burning violation by calling 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone.

Effective at 12:00 (noon) Pacific Daylight Time on Saturday, May 13, 2023, Category 2 and Category 3 open fires will be prohibited across the Bulkley Zone and Nadina Zone, which includes the Nadina Forest District and the Skeena portion of the Skeena/Stikine Forest District. Anyone conducting a Category 2 or Category 3 open fire anywhere in Bulkley or Nadina Zones must extinguish any such fire by 12:00 (noon) PDT, May 13, 2023. This prohibition will remain in place until 12:00 (noon) PDT, June 15, 2023, or until the public is otherwise notified.

Specifically, prohibited activities that would constitute a Category 2 & 3 open fire include:

  • One to two concurrently burning piles no larger than two metres high by three metres wide or burning stubble or grass over an area - less than 0.2 hectares

  • Burning of one or more windrows

  • Burning of stubble or grass over an area greater than 0.2 hectares

  • Fireworks

This prohibition does not ban campfires that are a half-metre high by a half-metre wide or smaller and does not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane, or briquettes.

More information:

Individuals are responsible for any damage or costs that are associated with a fire they ignite. Anyone found in contravention of an open-burning prohibition may be issued a violation ticket for $1,150, may be required to pay an administrative penalty of up to $10,000 or, if convicted in court, may be fined up to $100,000 and/or sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs.

Thank you for keeping our community safe. Please call the office if you have any questions.